How to convert exe to apk File


Now you can easily convert exe file to Apk file using free software. EXEtoAPKConverter Tool is a free software that helps us to convert Exe file to APK File Format. Before going to know about this software first off all know about what is apk and exe File.

APK : 

.APK is an extension for Android Application Package. Each Android application is compiled and packaged in a single file that includes all of the application's code. In android environment if you want to install an application, we need an APK file.

In depth, a java file should have an extension “.java” it is also known as Source file. whenever we compile this “.java” file using compiler, it converts the java statements into Byte code and it is intermediate language. The Byte codes are saved with “. Class” and it is also known as Executable File. When we compile this  .Class file and some other .Class files we can generate .Dex (Dalvik Executable) files.

Dalvik Executable :

Dalvik is a virtual machine that runs applications and code written in Java. A tool called dx is used to convert Java .class files into the .dex format.The dx tool takes all the class files of your application and generates a single .dex file. It is a platform-specific tool.
The .dex files are not ready to deploy so again these .dex files are re-processed along with AndroidManifest.xml and other media resources to generate .apk file.Here we use A tool called aapt(Android Asset Packaging Tool) which is used to convert .dex files into the .apk file format.This tool is part of the SDK (and build system) and allows you to view, create, and update Zip-compatible archives (zip, jar, apk)

.APK File Structure

mostly android users came across the .APK file before the official launch or release of android application.For better understanding recently google released GBoard for Android Mobiles and it's an upgrade version of Google keyboard.the new GBoard allows you search and send information, GIFs, emojis and more, right from your keyboard.Google officially released this GBoard on Dec 16th but before the Update roll out we have got the new version in the .APK Format.

05_12 - Gboard.gif

Also Read : How to save Youtube Videos to cameraroll.
EXE : .exe is a file extension for Executable file. If you are a windows pc user, you will come across .exe file which is used to install windows applications. Executable files support only for DOS and Windows Operating System Applications. You can’t open these files in another operating system.
oh that's all about what is .apk and .exe hope you understand.

How to Convert exe to apk :

converting .exe file format to .apk format is not at all easy.But CMS EXE to APK Converter Tool which helps us to achieve this in quick time with simple process.

Step 1 : Download  CMS EXE to APK Converter Tool 

Step 2 : Choose I have a portable application after that click next.

Step 3 : When the installation finished open the software and Now select the EXE file that you want to convert. It will take some time to load the files.

Step 4: After uploading the file click on "CONVERT" button.

Step 5 : Now the conversion process will take a moment to complete this process have some patience.don't do anything.

Step 6 : After successful completion of the process you will get confirmation message.

yeah finally the process completed.Now you can install Windows applications on Android Mobiles.Enjoy using windows applications on android devices.
Note! If you download an application from another source, it may not work properly. When you download the Application from it recives the ID to securely connect to CMS servers (to download the libraries).
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